
Ali Azad
Data Scientist
delgraph -at-

About Me


Machine Learning, Optimization and Data Assimilation

Azad, Ali (2020). “Handwriting Recognition with inadequate Amount of Data,” MSc Practicum Thesis, Georgia University of Technology, Atlanta, USA.

Azad, Ali, Chalaturnyk, Rick, and Movaghati, Sahar (2015). “Real-Time Reservoir Model Updating in Thermal Recovery: Application of Analytical Proxies and Kalman Filtering,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol 127, pp. 196-211.

Azad, Ali and Chalaturnyk, Rick (2013), “The Role of Geomechanical Observation in Continuous Updating of Thermal-Recovery Simulations with the Ensemble Kalman Filter,” SPE Journal, Vol 18(6), SPE-146898-PA, pp. 1043-1056.

Azad, Ali and Chalaturnyk, Rick (2013). “Application of Analytical Models in Fast History Matching of SAGD Process: UTF Project Case Study,” Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 52(3), pp. 219-232.

Azad, Ali (2012). “Rapid SAGD Simulation Considering Geomechanics for Closed Loop Reservoir Optimization,” PhD Dissertation, University of Alberta.

Azad, Ali, Chalaturnyk, Rick, and Movaghati, Sahar (2011). “Reservoir Characterization: Application of Extended Kalman Filter and Analytical Physics-Based Proxy Models in Thermal Recovery,” In the proceedings of the 2011 International Association for Mathematical Geosciences conference – IAMG 2011, September 5-9, Salzburg, Austria, p. 17.

Azad, Ali and Chalaturnyk, Rick (2011). “The Role of Geomechanical Observation in Continuous Updating of Thermal Recovery Simulations using the Ensemble Kalman Filter,” In the proceedings of the Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, Calgary, Canada, p. 19.

Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources: Hydraulic Fracturing

Stephenson, Ben, Galan, Earl, Williams, Will, MacDonald, Jeff, Azad, Ali, Carduner, Ryan (2018). “Geometry and Failure Mechanisms from Microseismic in the Duvernay Shale to explain changes in Well Performance with Drilling Azimuth,” SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, SPE-189863-MS, The Woodlands, TX, USA, 23-25 January 2018.

Azad, Ali, Bai, Taixu, Hows, Amie (2017). “Well Landing Zone Decisions in Unconventional Plays: A Rock Mechanistic Approach,” 51st US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, June 25-28, San Francisco, California, USA.

Azad, Ali, Somanchi, Kiran, Brewer, Jim, Yang, Dan (2017). “Accelerating Completions Concept Select in Unconventional Plays Using Diagnostics and Frac Modeling,” SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, January 24-26, Woodlands, Texas, USA.

Stephenson, Ben, Acosta, Luis, Bai, Taixu, Azad, Ali, Brewer, James, Galan, Earl, James, Simon, Schickel, Thomas (2016). “Seeing is Believing: a Quest to Visualize Hydraulic Frac Geometry for Optimal Resource Development,” AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, June 19-22, 2016, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Zhai, Zongyu, Fonseca, Ernesto, Azad, Ali, Cox, Barbara (2015). “A New Tool for Multi-Cluster and Multi-Well Hydraulic Fracture Modeling,” SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, SPE-173367-MS, February 3-5, 2015, Woodland, Texas, USA.

Cox, Barbara, Lehner, Rick, Webster, Paul, Molenaar, Mathieu, Azad, Ali (2014). Keynote Presentation: Microseismic Data Integration: How Connecting the Dots Can Help Solve the Unconventionals Puzzle, Fifth EAGE Passive Seismic Workshop, September 28-October 1, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.

Cox, Barbara, Lehner, Rick, Webster, Paul, Molenaar, Mathieu, Azad, Ali (2013). Microseismic Data Integration: How Connecting the Dots Can Help Solve the Unconventionals Puzzle, Importance of Rock Properties in Unconventional Reservoirs, Gussow Geoscience Conference, October 15-17, 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Coupled Reservoir-Geomechanics Simulation in Thermal Recovery

Azad, Mohammad and Azad, Ali (2012). “Friction and Dilation Angles of Dense Sands: North American Oil Sand Case Study,” In the proceedings of the Ninth International Congress on Civil Engineering, May 8-10, Isfahan, Iran, p. 8. [in Farsi]

Azad, Ali and Chalaturnyk, Rick (2012). “An Improved SAGD Analytical Simulator: Circular Steam Chamber Geometry,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 82-83, pp. 27–37.

Azad, Ali and Chalaturnyk, Rick (2011). “Numerical Study of SAGD: Geomechanical-Flow Coupling for Athabasca Oil Sand Reservoirs,” In the proceedings of the 45th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, June 26-29, San Francisco, p. 14.

Azad, Ali and Chalaturnyk, Rick (2010). “A Mathematical Improvement to SAGD Using Geomechanical Modeling,” Journal of Canadian Petroleum and Technology, Vol. 49(10), SPE-141303-PA, pp. 53-64.

Azad, Ali and Chalaturnyk, Rick J. (2009). “A Mathematical Solution to Consider Geomechanics in SAGD Process”, In the proceedings of the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 16-18, Calgary, Canada, p. 12.

Azad, Ali and Chalaturnyk, Rick J. (2009). “Geomechanical Coupling Simulation in SAGD Process; a Linear Geometry Model,” In Proceedings of the 3rd Canada-US Rock Mechanics Symposium & 20th Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Rock Engineering in Difficult Conditions, May 9-14, Toronto, Canada, p. 13.

Soil-Structure Interaction: Dynamic Analysis of Retaining Structures

Yazdani, Mahmoud, Azad, Ali, Farshi, A. and Talatahari, S. (2013). “Extended Mononobe-Okabe Method for Seismic Design of Retaining Walls,” Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2013, Article ID 136132, p. 10.

Fadaei, Meysam, Yazdani, Mahmoud, and Azad, Ali (2008). “Seismic Retrofit of Embankment Dams Based on Dynamic Nonlinear Analyses,” In Proceeding of the 12th International Conference of IACMAG (International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics), October 1-6, India, p. 9.

Azad, Ali, Yasrobi, S. Shahab, and Pak, Ali (2008). “Seismic active pressure distribution history behind rigid retaining walls,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Journal, Elsevier, 28(5), pp. 365-375.

Yazdani, Mahmoud, and Azad, Ali (2007). “Mononobe-Okabe Method; Review and Propose a New Version to Design Retaining Walls,” Journal of Transportation Research, Transportation Research Institute, Vol. 2, Summer 2007, pp. 157-171. [in Farsi]

Azad, Ali, Yasrobi, S. Shahab, and Pak, Ali (2007). “Pseudo-Dynamic Analysis of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls with Horizontal Slice Method,” Amirkabir Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 67, pp. 53-61. [in Farsi]

Azad, Ali, Yasrobi, S. Shahab, and Pak, Ali (2006). “Dynamic Behavior Assessment of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Walls,” In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Yokohama, Japan, September 18-21, 2006, Vol. 4, pp. 1503-1506. (Edited by: J. Kuwano and J. Koseki, ISBN: 978-90-5966-044-1).

Azad, Ali, Yasrobi, S. Shahab, and Pak, Ali (2006). “Effects of the flexibility of facing on the dynamic behavior of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Walls,” In Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Civil Engineering, May 8-10, 2006, TMU, Tehran, Iran, p. 12. [in Farsi]

Yasrobi, S. Shahab and Azad, Ali (2004). “Laboratory Simulation, the Best Method to Critical Granular Filter Design,” In Proceedings of the ICSE-2 Second International Conference on SCOUR and EROSION, Vol. 2, November 14-17, 2004, Meritus Mandarin, Singapore, pp. 421-428. Dam Engineering: Experimental Filter Design for Earth Dams

Yasrobi, S. Shahab and Azad, Ali (2007). “Laboratory Study of Filters based on Criteria Designing,” International Journal of Engineering Science, IUST, Vol. 18(2), pp. 99-110. [in Farsi]

Azad, Ali and Yasrobi, S. Shahab (2006). “Granular Filter Design: Direct or Indirect?” In Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Tehran, Iran, May 8-10, 2006, p. 5.

Yazdani, Mahmoud and Azad, Ali (2006). “Mononobe-Okabe Modification to determine the lateral earth coefficient,” In Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Civil Engineering, May 8-10, 2006, TMU, Tehran, Iran, p. 8. [in Farsi]

Azad, Ali, Yasrobi, S. Shahab, and Pak, Ali (2005). “Active Lateral Earth Pressure Distribution during Earthquake,” 58th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, September 18-21, 2005, Saskatchewan, Canada, p. 6.

Azad, Ali, Yasrobi, S. S., and Pak, Ali (2005). “Lateral Earth Pressure on Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Walls during Earthquake,” In Proceedings of the International Conference on The Use of Geosynthetics in Soil Reinforcement and Dynamics, September 5-8, 2004, Schloss Pillnitz, Dresden, Germany, pp. 479-487. (Edited by: H. Klapperich, D. Cazzuffi, R.M. Koerner, L. Vollrath. VGE – Essen).

Azad, Ali (2005). “Dynamic Behavior Assessment of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls,” M.Sc.

Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, p. 180. [in Farsi]

Yasrobi, S. Shahab and Azad, Ali (2004). “Facing Effects in Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures,” In Proceedings of the 57th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, October 24-27, 2004, Québec, Canada, p. 7.

Yasrobi, S. Shahab and Azad, Ali (2004). “Assessment of Granular Filter Functioning in Embankment Dams,” In Proceedings of EuroSoil2004 Conference, September 4 - 12, 2004, Freiburg i.Br., Germany, p. 8.

Azad, Ali (2004). “A Review on the Preference Causes of Laboratory Tests of Filter Assessment in Embankment Dams,” In Proceedings of the 11th Civil Engineering Students Conference, December 21-24, 2004, Iran, 11 p. [in Farsi]

Yasrobi, S. Shahab, Azad, Ali, and Ashayeri, Iman (2004). “Laboratory Assessment of Function of Filter in Embankment Dams & a Review on Filter Design Criteria,” Geotechnical & Strength of Material Journal, Iranian Ministry of Road and Transportation, Vol. 97, pp. 24-33. [in Farsi]

Azad, Ali (2003). “Critical Granular Filters in Embankment Dams,” M.Sc. Seminar, Department of Civil Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, p. 40, [in Farsi] Reports, Posters, Presentations, and Non-Refereed Publications

Azad, Ali and Chalaturnyk, Rick (2014). “SAGD’s Operating Pressure Strategy in Presence of Shale Barrier – How ‘Geomechanics’ Contribute?” University of Alberta.

Azad, Ali (2011). “Sequential Geomechanical-Flow Coupling Using FLAC and STARS,” Presented for RG2 members, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, July 2011.

Azad, Ali and Chalaturnyk, Rick J. (2009). “Geomechanical Coupling of SAGD Process by Analytical Solution,” Presented at Graduate Seminar Series, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, October 2009.

Azad, Ali (2007). “Granular Filter Design: Direct or Indirect?” Poster Presented at Annual Graduate Students’ Poster Contest, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Meeting, Edmonton, March 2007.

Yasrobi, S. Shahab, Azad, Ali, and Ashayeri, Iman (2003). “Effects of Filter Characteristics on Base Soil Erosion, A Case Study on Shirin-Darre Dam,” p. 6. [in Farsi]